53-25 Metropolitan ave, Ridgewood, New York 11385
Mon-Fri 06:00 AM - 11:00 PM / Sat-Sun 6:00AM - 12:00AM
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53-25 Metropolitan ave, Ridgewood, New York 11385
Mon-Fri 06:00 AM - 11:00 PM / Sat-Sun 6:00AM - 12:00AM
Home / Services / Dry Cleaning Services

Dry Cleaning Services

[ What we offer ]

Dry Cleaning with Fold New York

Dry Cleaning is just for of any laundry day. At Fodl New York we make it simple - we offer dry cleaning for all garments, bedding jackets and coats as well as wedding dresses. Someitmes it's more than just your clothes that needs washing, but your blankets, comforters and curtains too. We get it, and this is why we offer dry clenign pick-up and delivery with our laundry delivery service. All you need to do is just schedule your next pick up.

Dry Cleaning Service
Delivered to Your Home

We are truly your one stop shop for all of your laundry needs. You can either visit our fold New York location in Ridgewood Queens at 53-25 Metropolitan ave, Ridgewood NY 11385, or we can come and pick-up your garments.

What garments are best to dry clean versus regular wash? Any fabric which is best to not come in contact with water or liquid soaps. Dry cleaning uses different chemicals which are not water base to assure that the fabric does not loose it’s structure, quality and texture.


Our delivery dry cleaning service  Clients include:

  • Salons & Spas
  • Restaurants and Caterers
  • Religious Organizations
  • Daycare centers
  • Assisted Living / Nursing Homes
  • Hotels & Motels
  • Nail Salons
  • Athletic Facilities / Gyms
When to Use Dry Cleaning?

Natural Fabrics. Like leather, linen, silk and wool.

Patroleum-based fabrics: like polyester and rayon

Delicate items. This is a no-brainer. IF you have somethign that is very delicate, and you do not want it to tumble in the washer or dryer - this garment should be dry cleaned only.

Oil based stains - Butter and cooking oils, or even makup and lotion stains are best removed by dry cleaning service.

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